Saturday, March 30, 2013

Same Sex Marriage: Legal in Ecuador?

This topic has been one of the most important and most criticized topics in the US. So, I decided to find out how legal is "Same Sex Marriage in Ecuador" or if it even exist!

I must ratify that I am straight, and if I am writing about this topic is only for informative purposes only. My points of view about Same Sex Marriage are not the ones of those  support them. However, from my part, they will be treated with the same respect as anybody else.

In April of 2008, The Republic of Ecuador aproves a new Constitution that recognizes Same Sex Unions (Art 68) and states the following:

"The stable and monogamous unions between two persons, free of matrimonial bond, whom form a de facto couple, since the time and under conditions and circumstances that the Law provides, will generate the same rights and obligations that families build through the bonds of marriage, are holding"
The part that the Constitution does not support has to do with Adoptions ratifying that "Adoptions will only correspond to couples of different sexes"

The Ecuadorean President, Rafael Correa spoke openly about this part of the "Constitution of Monte Cristi", stating the following:

"Let me ratify that the humanistic position of this government is to respect the intrinsic dignity of everyone, of every human being, independently of their creed, race, sexual preference. We will provide certain guarantees to stable same sex couples but the bonds of matrimony will remain reserved for a man,  a woman and the family"

"Every person has dignity, and this means that, one must respect a person regardless of their sexual preference. Be careful not to deny employment to someone because of their sexual preference. That will be discrimination, and that is unconstitutional."

As most of you have probably noticed, my blog is about promoting Ecuador, and promote my properties for sale to the world. And maybe this could be the answer for those same sex couples to fulfill their life as a couple, maybe not under the bonds of marriage, but with the same rights and obligations of a married heterosexual couple, such as, buying and notarizing real estate transactions together, bank accounts, inheritances, etc.

Check out one of my favorite listings, located in Vilcabamba, or as most expats and foreign residents call it: "The Valley of Longevity. It includes a virtual tour of the property:  http://QuintaEsencial.com


  1. It's the 21st century and all people deserve equality.

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