Friday, March 1, 2013

Aeroservicios ground transportation

8:28 AM: As I mentioned yesterday, I am on my way to Crucita. It has been about twenty years since I've been in the province of Manabi. It's around 8:28 am and the Aeroservicios bus has just left the old airport. The driver just announced that traffic in Tumbaco is heavy due to an accident in "El Chiche" bridge. When I went to Loja to shoot QuintaEsencial ( http://quintaesencial.com ) my trip from home to the airport was less than 20 min with heavy traffic. I did have an inconvenient: Loja airport was closed so I had to land in Cuenca airport and take a 4 hour bus ride to Loja. I must admit, I am afraid of bus rides, but so far everything is going well. At least we left Quito 2 minutes before the schedule departure time.

9:35 AM: Ok, we've have arrived at the New Mariscal Sucre Airport, 25 minutes before scheduled. So far, so Good!

12:35 PM: If it's too good to be true, then....???? Yes, the flight was 40 min late.
So, today, the bus service gets an A+ and TAME, the airline gets a B-. They could have gotten a B+ but, Ecuador is a coffee producing country, and when I asked for a cup of coffee during the flight, I got a cold cup of pre-made instant coffee from a coffee pot! Oh! and pre-sugared for you! Thank God I am not a diabetic because it was extremely sweet!

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